Day 826: Moles and Fixing the Persistent Ear Infection

HEY it's been forever.

Butter has been doing great, she experienced some recurring UTI just two to three months back but we found out that it's really just due to her hooded vulva. Since then, we've been wiping her vulva at least once a day with a wet wipe, as thorough as we can, and of course wipe her vulva everytime after she pees (which we've always been doing). Her UTI stopped immediately since she was on a course of antibiotics for her inflamed salivary glands.

Her inflamed salivary glands were a big scare for us since her neck was so swollen and we were suspecting lymphoma. Thankfully, test results came back negative and her swollen neck got bettee after being on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.

So we settled two issues last month!

Since Butter is doing great, we decided to find out another thing that has been bothering us - the moles on her legs and face. Of course, Google always yield the scariest results so we brought Butter to the vet - this time to a clinic which is more holistically inclined! We visited Gentle Oak Clinic and had Dr. Alice look at Butter. Coincidentally, she used to have a pug too so she asked a lot of questions I actually forgot that I want to tell her.

Dr. Alice examined her moles but was not very concerned about it as she mentioned that it looks very superficial and is something pugs tend to have as they age. She said it could be a skin hypersensitivity reaction to certain allergens as well. She prescribed a soothing cream with essential oils that could possibly help reduce the moles or at least stop its growth. We've been applying it diligently and Butter does not seem bothered by it at all too, she doesn't lick it off or whatever.

Dr. Alice also checked her ears and found out that she had a ear infection, which we knew but just left there because it has been there for as long as she started on her raw diet. It doesn't bother Butter, but we do have to clean it more often than her other ear. We had her earwax sent for testing and will get results soon. Just to be safe we tested both her ears, I'm actually excited to see if we'll be able to fix her ear infection entirely too. AThe ear infection test results will show us what bacteria has been detected and what antibiotics will work for the bacteria. This seems like an in-depth test that Butter has never done at other vets and Dr. Alice kindly showed me a sample of how it looks like (which is really detailed) so I can't wait till the results are in!

Diet-wise, I previously changed Butter's morning diet to 100g of grounded meat (with organs and bones) and 200g of blended vegetables. This was prepared by Fidelis Meats which she has been on since she was a puppy. She was always on 75g of meat and a random amount of vegetables we make but I wanted to make it easier for my mother to feed hence the change. However, she gained weight HAHA. She was 8.7kg but it increased to 9.8kg. This was just within two months.

I have since ordered a new batch of food for her, 80g of grounded meat and 160g of vegetables. Her ratio of meat to vegetables has to be 1:2. Let's see if it helps to balance her weight. The weird decision I also made, was to feed her this diet for dinner too. She usually eats only sweet potatoes or pumpkin and vegetables for dinner, but since she's doing well, I decided to let her eat meat for dinner to. Rick from has approved too, hehe. I have to ask him whenever I make big decisions - he's experienced and helped Butter regain her health.

Long update but I'll be back when the results are in!
