
Showing posts from October, 2019

Day 826: Moles and Fixing the Persistent Ear Infection

HEY it's been forever. Butter has been doing great, she experienced some recurring UTI just two to three months back but we found out that it's really just due to her hooded vulva. Since then, we've been wiping her vulva at least once a day with a wet wipe, as thorough as we can, and of course wipe her vulva everytime after she pees (which we've always been doing). Her UTI stopped immediately since she was on a course of antibiotics for her inflamed salivary glands. Her inflamed salivary glands were a big scare for us since her neck was so swollen and we were suspecting lymphoma. Thankfully, test results came back negative and her swollen neck got bettee after being on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. So we settled two issues last month! Since Butter is doing great, we decided to find out another thing that has been bothering us - the moles on her legs and face. Of course, Google always yield the scariest results so we brought Butter to the vet - t